Denis Villeneuve

The film adaptation of the science fiction novel by Frank Herbert about the son of a noble family who is entrusted with the most valuable asset and element in the galaxy.

Great cinema that has revived the magic of cinema for me, it has small edges but overall I have not been so eager to see the next film as here. You could also say that it is my Lord of the Rings. ^^

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Jan Kounen

The life of Octave Parango, a flamboyant advertising designer, full of success, satire, misery and love.

An extremely ambitious and darkly comic attack on modern capitalist consumer culture and our advertising-obsessed times. As someone who has been involved with the industry for years, there are many parallels that come to mind, and despite its age, still as relevant as ever.

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Supergiant Games

Transistor is a science fiction action RPG set in a futuristic city, in which players take on the role of a young woman who gains control of an extraordinary weapon of unknown origin after a mysterious group of attackers almost kills her with it.

From the surreal environment and the enigmatic characters to the unique upgrade system and the combat system, Transistor is a game in which its charm can be discovered over time. For players who are willing to accept a slightly more opaque experience than many other games, Transistor offers an escape to a strange and enchanting world.

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They Live

John Carpenter

They influence our decisions without us knowing it. They numb our senses without us noticing. They control our lives without us noticing. They live.

The film was a reaction to Reagan-era consumerism, but its themes of working-class subjugation and pervasive media control make the film all the more relevant today than ever.

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The Dark Valley

Andreas Prochaska

Via a hidden path, a lonely horseman reaches a small town high up in the Alps. Nobody knows where the stranger comes from and what he wants there. But everyone knows that they don’t want him to stay.

One might argue it’s an alpine western that also manages to move the film into thriller territory, capturing a rather poetic atmosphere. Riley gives a sensitive performance as the lone stranger and Tobias Moretti gives arguably his best portrayal of an antagonist ever.

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Forgotton Anne

ThroughLine Games

In a magical land where forgotten human objects are alive, a young girl must fight a rebellion to return to the human world – but not everything is as it seems.

Beautifully rendered, Forgotton Anne feels like a full-fledged animated film. The title keeps up the pace until the end, but the puzzles lack variety in the second half of the game. Still, this is a magical adventure away from dragons and goblins that is really worthwhile.

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Black Dynamite

Scott Sanders

Black Dynamite is the biggest African-American action star of the 1970s. When his only brother is killed by “The Man”, it’s up to him to bring justice.

Black Dynamite is an affectionate and meticulous satire of 1970s blaxploitation films, funny enough for frat boys and clever enough for movie buffs.

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A psychological horror game set in a calm, unsettling atmosphere. Ghost writer Juliette Waters confronts an evil curse and an evil family cult with her microphone and the voices of the dead.

Sylvio is very good in one aspect: it gets under your skin, with an intriguing story and the constant threat of fear, because the sound is a mechanic in this game. However, other elements certainly distract from this experience for many and the game lacks the finishing touches but it offers something unique to the horror genre. And the soundtrack is something I still enjoy listening to from time to time.

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En, along with the artificial intelligence London, is on a quest to find the palace, a mythical place where it is said that the dead can be brought back to life.

ECHO is a game with a compelling central idea, a top-notch sci-fi storyline, and some excellent stealth mechanics. It also requires that you understand its rules and play the game at the pace it sets. The clever use of AI creates unique challenges, but the lack of variety in the environment and the consistently same enemy type means the game gets a little too boring for many. Still, I would recommend everyone to at least give it a try.

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Synecdoche, New York

Charlie Kaufman

A theater director struggles with his work and the women in his life as he sets up a life-size replica of New York City in a warehouse for his new play.

This film is deliberately not easily deciphered and thus comes across as serious, disturbing and significant. It is as funny as it is depressing. It is as brilliant as it is confusing. There are no easy answers to be found, and that’s what makes this film so fascinating.

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